Laurus Premium Living Services provides comprehensive services for planning and facilitating your
integration either you live in Portugal, you want to live in or even if you are
just simply considering a move to Portugal.
Our service offer builds up on helping you in ALL STAGES of your moving decision process whilst addressing all practical aspects of the move.
If you are considering living in Portugal, ideally your first step consists on coming in and experiencing how it
is living in Portugal. Here, an in-depth understanding of the legal and
bureaucratic features, the cultural and language barriers is critical.
We turn your “decision experience” into more than a
simple touristic package. Through our "Feel Portugal" experience - that can go up to 15 days - you will be able
to visit cultural and historical spots, to learn about the Portuguese culture,
taste the unique flavours of Portugal whilst enjoying a pure relax time. More
importantly, you will have the opportunity to understand the realities and
practicalities of living in Portugal by meeting the right people at the right
time. This includes other expats already living in Portugal and our trusted
partners. All this supported by our team of Personal Assistants specifically
assigned to you.
Once you decide to move to Portugal, there are a wide range of practicalities to be addressed until you are
finally installed in your new life: find an accommodation, take care of a
various of basic needs (healthcare or special nutrition, for instance), choose
a bank to work with, get fiscal advise, take care of endless number of bureaucracy.
All this can be very time-consuming.
With Laurus Premium Living Services you don’t have
to worry about all this. We are here for
Our services will:
Advise you
regarding your accommodation;
Introduce you
to the right banker and tax advisor;
Take care
of ALL the required bureaucracy;
Identify and
manage the key service providers to cover your main needs, assuring that all
the services are provided according to your expectations;
Follow up of
all the service provision and support you along the integration process.
Above all, we aspire to be your trusted advisor to make your living in Portugal
easy, pleasant and truly unique!